VestaCP has come a very long way since I first was introduced to it in December 2014. Then it was quite buggy and there were limited resources and documentation available for fixing problems. March on to 2016 and the VestaCP discussion Forum had changed into a treasure trove of inquiries and documentation. What makes the Forum particularly valuable is that it is regularly attended to by the Admin of VestaCP. The Admin are continuously updating the VestaCP script and assisting with limited help at the Forum. VestaCP also has premium assistance available at 80 US$ per month through a ticket system.
VestaCP Installation Script
Nothing could be easier to install the Vesta Control Panel. Vesta makes it particularly easy because of helping one tailor make the installation script to one’s own needs. For that purpose one can navigate to the Vesta Installer Page, complete all of the options, and then generate the installation script as indicated in the page.
These are the default settings I usually go for:
WEB: I keep the default “Nginx + Apache”
FTP: I choose not to have any FTP (useFileZilla SFTP instead) so select “No” for FTP
MAIL: I choose not to have mail as unless one is a professional and knows what one is doing, mail can be a pandora’s box of head aches, spam and hacking. Also if the server should go down one’s mail system would be down as well. I therefore prefer to have my mail set up separate from my Web server. Zoho Mail is an excellent professional mail client to use for this purpose. So I chose “NO” for mail.
DNS: I keep as “named”
Firewall: I keep as the default “iptables + fail2ban”
DB: I keep the default “MySQL”
REM: I keep the default “REMI”
File System Quota: I keep the default “NO”
HOST NAME: Here I put in my name (no http:// or www. in front)
I put in my e-mail address and password following which the installation script is generated.
VestaCP Installation
In the end all I do is to fire up my PuTTy, put in the password then put in the following command:
curl -O
Then run the installation script that was generated above like:
bash –nginx yes –apache yes –phpfpm no –named yes –remi yes –vsftpd no –proftpd no –iptables yes –fail2ban yes –quota no –exim no –dovecot no –spamassassin no –clamav no –mysql yes –postgresql no –hostname –email [email protected] –password password
Once the script has run you will be provided with a login together with the e-mail address and password you provided for the script. You’ll then be in VestaCP and ready to learn how all of it works.